Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It Aint Easy

See the professionalism?
It ain't easy.
Today, I totally wanted to talk about how stupid that dumb 98 Rock DJ is, the one who tattled on me for saying bad stuff about Tesla. I wanted to yell at him and talk about how much cooler I am which is obvious because I have a goatie and a leather bomber jacket.
But, I am a professional. Look up the word and you'll see a picture of yours truly. I can't just throw the schedule to the wind. I had to hang on and do the other stories we scheduled. I had to talk about how I don't shit at work and about what you should do if an emergency comes up and you HAVE to shit at work. Don't think that jerk wasn't in the back of my mind the whole time but you have to take a break sometimes and give the people the content that they tune in for. People want to hear about the shitting and the fat girl I found on the internet and my funny voices.
That is what professionalism sounds like folks. You're welcome. And fuck that 98Rock guy. I'm gonna poop at his work and he can smell it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Your hit making days are done dudes
Why mess with me? I always win! Don't mess with the bull, you'll catch the horn.
  • Hause Frau messed with me. Guess who is still a house wife? Yeah, not me. WINNING
  • Douche Bag comedian from Galt messed with me and DIDN'T open for Joan Rivers. Last I heard he did a gig in Portland. Portland! That's like Galt with hipster beards. WINNING
  • Tesla is messing with me now. Well, you can guess we won't be using their songs for our lead ins! HA! WINNING
  • Opie and Anthony messed with me and... well we got taken off the air for a bit... BUT... WE MADE UP. They're really nice guys. WINNING

Tesla Kicks Who Out of The Park?

Thumbs down to the rumor mill
Rumor Mill prepare to be shut down. Tesla kicked ME out of the park. NO! I CHOSE to leave the park. It was my CHOICE! Remember when I CHOSE to leave the Don and Mike show and give up a lucrative career in radio? Yeah, it was like that. The park was cool, the grass was green, I had my good time but then the pressure got to me. It got to be a bit much. I felt like I was cracking up. So, I left the park.

Why would I come to a town, start fights with everyone who was already here and make everyone hate me? Come on now. That would be stupid. That sounds like crazy behavior and I am of course totally sane (except during those times when I feel like I'm cracking up.)