Thursday, May 12, 2011


Your hit making days are done dudes
Why mess with me? I always win! Don't mess with the bull, you'll catch the horn.
  • Hause Frau messed with me. Guess who is still a house wife? Yeah, not me. WINNING
  • Douche Bag comedian from Galt messed with me and DIDN'T open for Joan Rivers. Last I heard he did a gig in Portland. Portland! That's like Galt with hipster beards. WINNING
  • Tesla is messing with me now. Well, you can guess we won't be using their songs for our lead ins! HA! WINNING
  • Opie and Anthony messed with me and... well we got taken off the air for a bit... BUT... WE MADE UP. They're really nice guys. WINNING


  1. Dude. Your comments about Tesla we're not needed or warranted. Sooner you get that through your head the better off you will be. A simple apology is all Tesla and their fans want. But your too much of a pussy to do so. Swallow your pride man. Apologize and put it in the past. And don't steal Sheens words. Be original man...... I for one am not a fan of yours and after this incident never will be. Sooo.... Keep the rude comments off the airways. They don't belong there.

  2. Pat Souza, The only thing Don said is that he looks like Garth Algar. That was not rude by any stretch of the imagination. Don could have said a lot worse.
    Boy what a shock that Pat Martin of 98 rock threw him under the bus. "F" the hacks at 98 rock. Don simply gets ratings.
